Hi Folks,

We are thrilled to invite you to Golden Nordic's very first biathlon race event!

Our objectives for the event are to TRY YOUR BEST, BE FAIR, PLAY IT SAFE, and to HAVE FUN!

Here's the Scoop: 

Open: to anyone with an ability to cross-country ski (classic or skate).

Ages: 8 and up including adults

Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025

Times to Know About:

  • 9:30 - 10:10 am: Bib Pick-up

  • 10:15 am: Mandatory safety orientation

  • 10:30 - 11:00 am: Warm-up ski and practice in the biathlon range

  • 11:00 am: Meet at Stadium to start Event 1 & Event 2

  • When Event 1 & Event 2 are completed, we ski for 15 minutes. Then we start Event 3

  • Once Event 3 is completed, we will have prizes and PIZZA (included in your registration)

Registration: on Zone4

Requirement: a free registration with Biathlon Canada for a Try Out License

Cost: $5 for U18 and $10 for 18+. Registration includes all 3 events, pizza, and prizes! *** Golden Nordic Ski Club youth program participants are asked to register and use their discount code (emailed) as it’s part of their program.

Overnight Options for Out-of-Town participants: free indoor "camping": inside our comfortable Dawn Mountain Chalet clubhouse main floor (first 15 people including adult chaperones max).or any Golden accommodations. Please email me to reserve your spot. 

Format: We will have 3 events. Participants can enter all or only select events. We will have winners for each event and overall event as well as many draw prizes!  At 11 am, we all meet in the Stadium to get organized. We will divide into two groups, one starting with Event 1, the other with Event 2. Then we switch. Once Event 1 and Event 2 are completed, all will for for a 15 minute ski. Then we gather in Stadium to start Event 3.

  • Event 1: Downhill speed event - aim to go as fast as you can! Two attempts.

  • Event 2: Precision shooting event - aiming for your highest score! Two attempts.

  • Event 3: Biathlon sprint race - ski-shoot-ski-shoot-ski (2 distances to chose from: 300 or 500 m., no range scores, short penalty laps).

Thanks to Biathlon Canada and Biathlon BC for making biathlon a possibility for Golden Nordic. Also, a huge thank you to Avery and Roddy from Biathlon BC for all of their support.

Please reach out if you have any questions. Questions? Please reach out to Sanne at programcoordinator@goldennordicclub.ca.